Chester County Real Estate Tax
Chester County Tax bills are mailed to property owners February 1 and cover the calendar year. This tax is payable to the County Treasurer and may be included in an escrow account. The 2025 tax rate is 5.164 mills.
West Nantmeal Township Real Estate Tax
Annual tax notices are mailed to property owners the end of March and cover the calendar year. This tax is payable to “West Nantmeal Township Tax Collector” and may be included in an escrow account. The 2025 tax levy for township general purposes remains at 0.44 mills. In 2007, the Board of Supervisors enacted an additional Fire/EMS Tax (0.25 mills) on all non-exempt properties in the Township to support the fire companies, ambulance, and rescue services that serve our township. The total assessment is 0.69 mills.
Twin Valley School District Real Estate Tax
Notices are mailed to property owners in late June and cover the fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). This tax is payable to the school district and may be included in an escrow account. The current millage rate for 2024/2025 is 33.0812.
Interim Real Estate Tax
Interim Tax notices can be generated at any time during the year as a result of a County assessment of new construction, an improvement to a property, the addition of a pool, deck, garage, etc. Each taxing authority (School District, County, and Township) will send an interim bill when a new assessment is completed by Chester County. Payment of interim bills is the responsibility of the homeowner as this is usually not included in an escrow account.
Earned Income Tax (EIT)
A 1% earned income tax is assessed on all earned income in West Nantmeal Township and is collected by Keystone Collections Group. (0.5% of this amount is for the Township and 0.5% is for the School District)